The Honorable Tom Cobmn
The Honorable Orrin G Hatch
The Honorable John Cornvn
Mark Newsom. Analyst in Health Financing, Coordinator
Curtis W. Copeland, Specialist in American National Government, Coordinator
CRS has issued a series of reports summarizing and analyzing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111-148, PPACA), as amended. Many of PPACA's provisions identify the Secretary of Health and Human Services (hereafter referred to as the Secretary) as the responsible party for implementation and oversight. Generally, these provisions establish some discretionary authority for the Secretary and have flexible deadlines or no deadline at all, but some of the provisions require specific actions by the Secretary (e.g., promulgation of regulations) to be completed by a specific date. You have asked that CRS identify the provisions that require specific action by the Secretary with a specific deadline between March 23, 2010 (the date of enactment) and January 1, 2011. CRS did not therefore include deadlines imposed upon other individuals or organizations (e.g., the Comptroller General or Congress) and did not include any provisions that did not require the Secretary to take a specific action by a specific date.
Date of Report: October 1, 2010
Number of Pages: 8
Order Number: M-100110
Price: $19.95
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